". Viral video shows rowdy teen boaters dump trash into ocean off Boca Raton, Florida

Viral video shows rowdy teen boaters dump trash into ocean off Boca Raton, Florida

 Two teens are facing felony charges after a video showing boaters dumping trash in the ocean off Boca Raton sparked outrage after going viral, officials said Friday, NBC6 reported.

The viral video shows 10 people onboard the boat traveling out of Boca Inlet on Sunday.

Two people are seen emptying trash and empty bottles from large garbage cans into the ocean before heading back to the Boca Bash, an unsanctioned boating party, according to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officials.

Following the outrage over the incident, a 15-year-old and a 16-year-old turned themselves into police Friday, FWC officials said. 

They both face felony third-degree charges of causing pollution so as to harm or injure human health or welfare, animal, plant, aquatic life, or property, which amounts to $50,000 in fines or up to five years in prison.

The arrest comes two days after the incident.

Investigators had visited the owner of the boat, who admitted that his 15-year-old son was involved.

"We take the responsibility of caring for our oceans and our community very seriously, and we are extremely saddened by what occurred last weekend at Boca Bash," the family said Friday in a statement. 

"We want to extend our sincerest apologies to everyone who has been impacted and rightfully upset by what occurred."

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